My undiagnosed child

My undiagnosed child
A mother's struggle

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Mum worries 🙈

Ok so I know us mums worry over silly things and get uptight ALOT lol
I've just had one of those "my poor boy" days and felt so useless I guess.
He's actually been pretty good still so I know this is is all on me 😭
See the school had their photographers in a few weeks back and to be fair I knew he wouldn't be keen on getting his dome as he hasn't had them the past 4 yrs or so anyway.
This yr however is his last in primary school. Unbeknown to me they had a group photo taken the same times and unfortunately it was his morning off so he didn't get.
I have this urge to cry out to the school..
"Why didn't you tell me?" "Why is my boy not in his last class photo?" "Why did nobody think this might seem unacceptable?"
I realise they probably didn't mean to miss him out. I do get the fact they don't revolve around us.
It just saddens me that he's not part of a photo that will hold memories to his youth.
His absence has already impacted on his friendship with his peers.. or lack off.
He's already the one missing out on the chats at break and the after school meet ups. Does it not occur to anyone that this may have again a detrimental effect on his future friendships?
Am I just being the paranoid mum?!
But surely that makes me just a loving mum xxx

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